Listen to these refugee women’s comments on their “Train the Trainer” experiences using yoga as a healing tool for trauma. ALL PROGRAMS ARE TRAUMA-INFORMED.

GreenTREE Yoga’s Refugee Programs are based on our continuing work with our Utah partner agencies:

GreenTREE Yoga gives back to our community - volunteering to teach refugees. Listen as they teach me to count!

2. lincoln school.....counting in other language.png

For more information on our materials to develop a refugee program to help heal trauma:

1. Self-care and Short Stretching and Breathing Breaks in charts in 6 languages/English: mp4s/mp3s: Click here.

2. Create a Yoga Practice: (20 - 60 minutes) Click here. Flip Charts in 5 languages; English mp3s and mp4s.

3. SImple Stretching and Breathing for PAIN Management (charts in 5 languages); English: mp4s and mp3s. Click here.

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Please contact Yael Calhoun with any questions - we love to help people build their programs.

FREE consultations are always available. (801) 656-7885 (c) or email Yael at